Just another average day at Moody Bible Institute.
Class, chapel, chat, class, lunch, class, class, chat, meeting,
meeting, dinner, library, people, sleep.
A long night ahead, I scurry to Dunkin before the 99 cent
special ends, return to campus and begin
my descent to the Library below. I round the corner expecting to see a friend
at the desk… he isn’t there. That’s right, he graduated…
That’s ok, just one difference. I can do that. This week
has gone by so quickly and so much has happened, I haven’t had to think about
how much is changed. But little things begin to stick out.
I weave my way through the back of the library. It’s time
to become reacquainted with my usual spot. A comfortable, famil…They’ve
rearranged the furniture. And added bookshelves. Ok. Breathe. Just another little change. No
The quiet of the library makes my mind race, finally
dealing with the events of the day, the week, the Summer. Do I really have to face
life now? I have so much homework to do! Can’t I just process in January after
I graduate? I think that’s a really great plan.
It’s too late. The little changes have sparked a
revolution in my reluctant mind. Every change, every familiar face gone, every
brand new freshman that I am pretty sure is still 14. It all hits. SLAM. Done.
I burry my head in my hands and reach for the nearest bit
of God I can grasp. “I rest me in the thought
of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; His hand the
wonders wrought.”
A bit of break. The eye of the storm.
What’s this? Channel change? Oh good. My mind, a thing of
its own, has progressed to life after Moody. What will I do? Who will I be?
Where will I go? What will I have left behind? It probably doesn’t help that
Kammerzelt reminded my Senior Seminar class today that all of our plans and
dreams are likely futile. Senior Sem… that’s right. I have to write a paper for
that. And I have to read for another class. I have homework to do. So much homework.
A couple of friends visit, satisfying my need for
community and providing much needed distraction. My brain settles, moving
steadily back in to homework mode. I can breathe again. Back to homework and
music and twitter and a handle on the peace that’s past all understanding.
I think we’re
gonna make it.
*Gets text. Checks email. Begins freak-out all over*
Happy last semester of college. Where God is good and
change is hard.